Publicists and marketing professionals, Kita Williams and Monique Jackson (Mo) have been business partners since the birth of their company, Team Image PR in 2002. Kita and Mo met at Def Jam records under the leadership of hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons. Previously co-stars and executive producers of the hit reality show, “The T.O. Show,” the pair left a lasting impression on fans. On the show, Kita and Mo demonstrated love through obstacles, business with friendship, and a passion to meet their goals. It was real life on the TV screen.
“Reality TV was real and fighting was unheard of on camera. Now, TV networks want violent drama for ratings. It's almost a necessity,” Kita said. Reality TV provides a platform for entrepreneurs to create brand awareness, so it's important to ask yourself, what is my brand? “As a mother, wife, entrepreneur and business partner, I represent every woman, so I try to lead with my best foot forward at all times,” said Mo.
Success has a different meaning for each person. As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to determine what success looks like for your company. Kita and Mo leveraged their opportunity and represented positive outlets such as the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Empower Me Tour, a tour to empower young people, motivating them toward academic excellence, and personal and fiscal responsibility. The duo went on to found Define Your Pretty, an organization dedicated to empower young women and girls to look beyond the physical and appreciate who they are as an individual.
The ladies have a lot on their plates, but they work together to make it happen, no matter the challenges. According to the duo: “It takes commitment, purpose and the willingness to move beyond your challenges. Every challenge is a stepping stone to get you to the next level.”
Find out more about Kita and Mo and all of their endeavors here.