Lifestyle (85)
Where is the Love? A Look at Black Women Dating Outside Their Race
“He is my King, he is my one,
Yes, he’s my father, yes he’s my son
I can talk to him, ‘cuz he understands
Everything I go through and everything I am…”
Special to GMO: A Preview of Emunah La-Paz's "Why Do Men Cheat With Unattractive Women"
Read an excerpt from this new non-fiction book that touches on an issue that has received lots of press lately (From Tiger to Jesse). Why DO men cheat with women who are “less” attractive than their wife or girlfriend? See what La-Paz has to say and then take the conversation to the Glossy Blog. Click HERE.
Barbie is still one of little girls’ favorite toys today. The typical Barbie has long, blond hair, a slim figure (upper body in proportion to the lower body), long, model-like neck and legs to match. As a child, I had plenty of Barbie dolls to choose from, most of them resembled the “typical” Barbie. At that time, the black Barbie was rare and if you owned one, it looked like a dark-skinned original Barbie. The girls who did play with Barbies imitated the dolls in themselves; talking and dressing like her. It is interesting to see that women today, more commonly African American women, are now imitating this iconic doll. The question is: Is it healthy for black culture to attempt to mimic something that most of us cannot relate to?
Why SHE Won't Marry You
Special to GMO: By Adiat Baker
As I was skimming through one of my favorite sites last week, I came across a very interesting article written by Anslem “NWSO” Samuel, who is the creator the relationship blog Naked with Socks On. His article was a co-sign to a piece written a week earlier by Tracy McMillen for Huffington Post titled, “Why You’re Not Married.”
Natural Hair in Corporate America: Is it Still a Deep-Rooted Issue?
The good and bad hair argument still exists today and is a major topic of discussion among African American women. From Spike Lee’s “School Daze” film in the 1980s and with the help of Chris Rock’s documentary Good Hair, America is more informed about this subject. Rock investigated the process of creating the various textures and styles of hair in his project, but the root of the film started with an idea when his young daughter asked him about her hair.
Back to Square One: Moving Back Home
Parents—we love them, yes, but stay with them forever? I think I speak for everyone when I say, NO WAY!
As young adults, we wait for the moment when we can claim our independence from our parents. The moment that most defines this is when we take the step to move out into our own place. This is the point in our life where we show our parents that we have matured enough to live our life without them having to hover over our every move. We want the freedom to play our music as loud as we want. We want the freedom to decorate with all the wild and crazy designs that we think expresses who we are.
A New Year, A New Reality
These women have done everything the right way: their mothers, grandmothers, aunts and teachers told them to put education first. “The boys will come later,” they would say. They warned young women not to mess up their lives. These women were good girls and did as they were told.