Crystal Ermon Shows Confidence is Beauty

Thursday, 08 September 2011 21:42 Written by  Songine' Clarke

Crystal Ermon started CS Ermon Management in 2009 because of her love for working with people and helping them. Her start in public relations began with Chicago’s WNBA team, the Chicago Sky, booking celebrities and other talent to come to the events. She also produced a fashion show with a foundation, which showcased her talents in another industry. Crystal says her company has grown since the beginning, with the addition of working for and alongside a variety of talent in the fashion and entertainment industry.

Her seminar “My Confidence is My Beauty” is a four-part beauty seminar held in an eight-month period in partnership with various non-profit and community organizations. The seminars are held for about 20 young ladies ages 13-19 years old. Models from CS Ermon Management tell their stories about being a teenager to the young ladies and discuss certain topics that they had to deal with at their age.

As a talent manager, Crystal also serves as a sponsor for non-profit organizations. She would go to the different organizations and talk with the young ladies, which would eventually turn into girl talk. “A lot of those girls seemed like they lacked a lot of confidence,” she explains.

She also noticed a lot of young girls had the tendency to put each other down. This inspired her to start the “My Confidence is My Beauty” seminars. For the seminars, Crystal asks the models from her company to tell their stories to the girls.

“All models and actors come across rejection in this industry,” she says. “You hear a lot of no’s before you can hear a yes. Models have to overcome a lot of confidence and self-esteem issues to be in the industry.”

Crystal says most of the young ladies who participated in the seminar responded positively to the true life accounts of the models.

“We’ve had some skeptics; some kids said ‘yeah right, it’s not really like that,” she says.

Because of this, Crystal makes sure the models are pretty close in age to the girls they’re speaking to so the girls in the audience are better able to relate to them.

“We’ve been able to get good responses because they’re able t o tell their stories, and their stories are similar to what our listeners have experienced in their lives,” she says.

As the seminar comes to an end, one of the young ladies will be able to participate in a fashion shoot courtesy of CS Ermon Models. Crystal says that she sees a positive change in the confidence of the girls once they do the shoot—at first they are shy and unsure of how their poses look, but by the time they leave, they are having fun and wanting to do it again.


In the future, Crystal wants to go national with “My Confidence is My Beauty.”

“I would really like to turn it into a tour, let other cities know about it and work with publications and media outlets,” she says. “I’m able to let other people know about it, so maybe they’ll be interested and want to do something like it in other cities and just turn it into a complete tour where we are just not here in Chicago. There are girls everywhere who need this opportunity.”

You can learn more about C.S. Ermon Management and “My Confidence is My Beauty” seminars at


Songine' Clarke

Songine' Clarke

Songine’ Clarke is a journalism major at Columbia College Chicago. She is an aspiring fashion journalist/stylist.

She can be contacted at
Follow her on Twitter: @SongieAlexis
