Finance & Employment (50)

Start Saving for Your Retirement

Published in Finance & Employment
Written by  Shameka V. Robinson Monday, 02 November 2009 20:19

With the economy and health care taking a toll on how families spend their money, saving for retirement is something that many, especially young adults, may have not considered. 

When we are displeased with our overall physical appearance, we make blueprints for change. We change our eating habits and exercise to lose weight. We head to the salon to get our tresses styled when we’re having a bad hair day, and we shop manically when we want to revamp our wardrobe. But what about a financial makeover? What about making plans to get out of debt and making a new start for the next year?

It is no secret that these past two years have been a difficult time for the economy. There have been layoffs, people have been taking pay cuts and the consensus is that it’s just a bad time for finances. With that said, the holiday season still comes and despite your current financial situation, you have to prepare for it. This year could be different. Instead of having retailers, advertisements and your peers control your spending, the power should be in your hands.

Financial Consultant Profile: Monica Watson

Published in Finance & Employment
Written by  Sydney Corryn Sunday, 01 November 2009 17:37

Growing up, Monica Watson, of Country Club Hills, Ill., always knew she wanted to be a businesswoman but never had any real career goals or guidance. She was just concerned about making money to support herself. Today, she is a certified financial advisor with a stable and challenging career and is one of the best in her industry. Watson has always used her “pitfalls to as motivation to succeed.”

Given a Second Chance: The Bottomless Closet

Published in Finance & Employment
Written by  Bonita Holmes Saturday, 29 August 2009 22:41

Through the double doors on your right, there is a sign that reads, “We’re More Than Just Clothes.” Located below the sign there are women’s shoes and business attire that appear to be in perfect condition. The atmosphere is reminiscent of a boutique, maybe even an exclusive retailer tailor-made for women of a higher class. Realistically, however, it is a place where impoverished women are a priority, treated with respect and given just a bit more hope to move forward.

For many people, owning a business and/or aspiring to be an entrepreneur may seem impossible. For some business owners, keeping their doors open to the public is a major concern, especially at a time when their motto may be “make more and spend less.”

In times like these, it is important to be armed with as much knowledge as your head can hold about your personal finances. As independent people of color, it is necessary that we take charge of educating ourselves when it comes to our money, credit situations and debt. Don’t know what your FICO score is? Not sure how to pay off your credit card debt? Want to start saving for retirement (because it’s never too early!)? Check out these books and set yourself up for financial success.

Catching Up with Amy DuBois Barnett

Published in Finance & Employment
Written by  Frances Moffett Saturday, 29 August 2009 12:17

It has been about two years since award-winning journalist Amy DuBois Barnett released her insightful guide Get Yours! How to Have Everything You Ever Dreamed of and More.

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