Pastor Heather Lindsey has amassed a huge following via her Pinky Promise Movement. Thousands of single and married women who follow her ministry understand her raw and uncut approach to promoting no sex before marriage and bringing women closer to Christ. Her tweets have become everyday accessories for the soul and she added to her ministerial resume by becoming an author and releasing Pink Lips & Empty Hearts - Completely Dressed Up & Broken Inside - The All-In-One Book for the Woman After God’s Own Heart.
The release of this book was highly anticipated amongst her following and it is unlike any other book in its genre that I have ever read. While most Christians have become comfortable with transparency, Heather is giving you God’s word straight form the “Good Book” with no filter as a means to help women restore and renew their minds and spirits. I literally read this book in one fell swoop.
She is completely open about her life before she “inserted Jesus,” as she would say. She lays everything and I mean EVERYTHING on the table. She talks about being promiscuous and defining herself through her relationships with men, all while still serving in the church, but she allowed God to “wreck” her and make her new.
As I was reading it, I was opened to so many revelations in my own life. Never have I read a book, other than the Bible, where I felt spiritually fed. There are so many gems of wisdom and enlightenment in this book. We all pray that we are virtuous women, but Heather is giving women the tools to actually live it without compromise. This is a relationship book, but not about relationships with men.
This book is about surrendering oneself to Christ and building a relationship with Him. In chapter two she says, “If you’re reading these words, it’s a warning for you to change and it’s time for you to draw closer to Christ, cut off distractions and get real about your walk with Him.”
She tells the whole truth and if you are a reader who prefers things sugarcoated, then this is not the read for you. In speaking on one of her past relationships she says, “I never had peace about him, he was someone I used to fill my voids. Breaking things off when you know you shouldn’t have even gotten into them to begin with makes it much easier.”
It seems that Heather has painstakingly tapped into every emotion women feel when we are in a relationship, but Heather will tell you a man should seek Christ first to even get to your heart.
As a single woman, she’s saying to court with a purpose. The cost for you is marriage. As a woman who is already married put Christ first in your marriage. She and her husband Pastor Cornelius Lindsey put Christ first in their relationship while they were courting and waited until they were married to consummate the relationship. Their first kiss was on their wedding day.
I can go on forever about this book and how it taps into every corner of women’s thinking. However, there is one chapter that seemed to stray away from the books premise and that was chapter 12, “Always a Lady.” It was about maintaining your appearance, doing your hair, makeup and bargain hunting. There was some good information in that chapter that would appeal to women as far as beauty, fashion and shopping are concerned, but it seemed a bit detached. I feel that particular chapter could’ve been left out, but overall this book is a must read. Heather wants women to know their worth. Her husband, in the foreword of the book, said this:
“You are worth the wait.
You are worth the sacrifice.
You are worth being treasured.
You are worth being loved.”
I highly recommend this book. Even if you are not of the Christian faith, it is still a worthwhile read, especially if you are starting to embrace who you are and learning your self-worth.