From a Seed to a Flower

Monday, 05 July 2010 09:43 Written by  Mark Peterson

A “seed” is different from none. It’s similar to all of its type––something so small and visually meaningless with the potential to bring true beauty to a physical existence. When looking at a “seed,” I begin to wonder...How? How can something so simple grow to be this metaphoric example of life and beauty?


Set it in the right soil, for foundation is more important than anything. And although that is most important, your work isn’t done. One creates the outcome by exhibiting the proper attention that this soon to be flower deserves.

It’s delicate––handle it with care and precaution.

Water it daily or it won’t survive...

The “seed” will never blossom. Show it the proper light, guide it...or the simple “seed,” which is different from none, will never feel the amazing complexity of true beauty.

See the Growing Process is the hardest part of this creation. Outside variables come into play that no one can prepare for. It is bound to rain, for storms are inevitable. Yet, ironically the rain is water, and water is a necessity for this plant to blossom, and when the light breaks through the clouds and ends the storm, the plant is strong, healthy and ready for anything that comes its way.

Now you wonder, what flower is this? What seed did this beauty come from?

Well, the answer is simply “Love.”

You see, like a meaningless seed, “Love” is just a four-letter word with POTENTIAL to mean much more and blossom into one of the most amazing complexities one may ever encounter.

Like a flower “Love” has its seasons, although physical presence may vanish at times one must remember,

it always comes back

Seasons always return

and as the seasons,

So does “Love.”



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Mark Peterson

Mark Peterson

Mark Peterson, Jr., attended Tennessee State University in Nashville, TN. He is from Milwaukee, WI. He says, "Many lessons have been learned throughout my life and one way I use my experiences to help others is by writing. I am sincere about my words. This is my art, my passion, and I believe that my purpose on this planet is to be an inspiration to many men and women of my generation and those to come."

He can be reached at

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