Jazmine Henley-Brown
Jazmine Henley-Brown is a journalist and On-Air personality from Milwaukee, WI. She attended the Illinois Institute of Art- Chicago, where she majored in Fashion Marketing. She is currently living in New York City and she can be reached by email, Henley.Brown@gmail.com or Twitter @JHenleyBrown.
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It’s no secret that the way we handle our relationships has drastically changed over the years. With the popularity and convenience of the internet, it’s no longer uncommon to meet your mate on a matchmaking website, or a social media outlet. What happens when you’re already in a relationship, and social media comes into play? I had a chance to chat with relationship expert Jason Ortiz, and I got the scoop on relationship do’s and don’ts––the Social Media Edition.
Review of "Think Like a Man:" Surprising in the Best Way!
Recently, I had the opportunity to witness the cultural phenomenon that is Think Like a Man, a book-to-movie adaptation of Steve Harvey’s best seller, Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man. In the book, Steve gives “rules” to women on how to get a man, secure a man, and keep a man.
*Due to the nature of this article, the names of all parties have been changed to protect the reputation of each person.
It's no secret that we are experiencing extremely tough financial times these days. Jobs are hard to come by, and once you finally do land a job, the pay is oftentimes less than impressive. You're slaving away at a job that you hate, just to be able to pay your rent, and if you find yourself loving the finer things in life, working to just make ends meet is not something that you’d like to get used to.
One on One with "Mike and Molly's" Nyambi Nyambi
I recently had a chance to catch up with the very talented, well- spoken and handsome actor, Nyambi Nyambi. We talked about Mike and Molly, and I also got a chance to learn a little bit about his early life, his future plans, and everything in between!