Jasmine LaFlora
Jasmine LaFlora is an intern for GMO. She is pursing a BA at Columbia College-Chicago in Magazine Journalism. She has a minor in fashion and enjoys writing and studying fashion.
Jasmine can be contacted at jasminelaflora@yahoo.com.
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It’s that time of the year again! You know, the time that you run all over the place trying to find your mother the perfect gift. The time when you try to repay her for all the years of love she has given. Well, if you’re tired of the traditional flowers, cards and candy, here are a few ideas to make this Mother’s Day one to remember.
In honor of the fifteen-year anniversary, writer and director James Cameron re-released Titanic in 3D. Seeing as though the movie couldn't be re-shot using 3D cameras, the update was still pretty darn effective using 3D technology. Known as the No.1 movie of all time, many years after its release, the revision of Titanic is even more powerful than the first. James is not only a perfectionist, he is a genius. He uses 3D to capture the audience in a way that is not only rare, it is also extremely tasteful.