Author Candice Dow: Always a Writer at Heart

Tuesday, 29 December 2009 09:28 Written by  Ebony L. Morman

Author Candice Dow has come a long way since receiving the phone call that changed her life. On Jan. 8, 2004, while driving to the office and contemplating how much she really wasn’t up for work that day, her cell phone rang. It was her agent. Her first book, Caught in the Mix, was going to be published. Dow describes that very moment as “breathtaking.” Not knowing where her career as a writer would take her, she was satisfied and at peace that her first book would be published.


cdFast forward to 2010 and Dow is celebrating the release of her fifth book, Feelin’ the Vibe, while putting the finishing touches on her latest work, which she’s keeping under wraps for now.

Dow, who left a career in software engineering, has always wanted to write. It was those around her who influenced her to take a different career path: the one that ends with having a stable career that provides more income. So, despite her relationship with writing, which she has had since the second grade, she majored in computer science at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore.

Her decision to become a full-time writer and leave what some would describe as a more lucrative career was not hard considering she wasn’t truly happy being a full-time software engineer. She points out that when you choose to do something different from the status quo, people tend to be judgmental.

“Software and computers don’t touch [anyone’s] life,” Dow says. “I knew I was more of a social conversationalist. I just knew that it wasn’t for me.”

Dow was sure of one thing: writing was for her. She decided to find happiness in using her natural gift to write. From what she can remember, she has always found solace in writing. Her childhood growing up in Baltimore, Md. was a bit different, which may explain why she enjoys writing today.

“My father never allowed us to watch T.V. during the week,” Dow remembers. “During the week, we had to read or write.”

She attributes her writing talents to growing up in a household filled with creativity. Her father, who is a musician, and her brother are both creative. When she was younger, she was involved in various cultural activities, including tap and dance classes. Now, the cultural caterpillar has developed into a mature butterfly.cdbook

In her “most mature book,” Feelin’ the Vibe, Dow finishes the Clarke and Devin saga that she began in Caught in the Mix. After Tappin’ on Thirty, Dow knew it was time to give the fans what they wanted, while finally closing out the storyline.

Feelin’ the Vibe differs from Dow’s previous work in that it deals with mature real life issues like problems in marriages, infertility and infidelity, she says. It was never the plan to have the three books connect. After realizing her readers connected with the characters and that they wanted more, she gave them more each time. However, Dow admits that she is not a fan of writing “follow on” books because of the limitations.

“I really don’t like having to connect the dots from a previous book,” she says. “When you have characters that your readers already know, you have a box that you’re set in.”

As a seasoned author, the writing process is definitely easier. For her, it’s a thinking process. A thinking process that is usually sparked by something she may hear on the news or while driving down the street. After a year of letting the story play out in her mind, it takes about 30 days to complete the first draft. All of this is done without locking herself in a room or being secluded on a sunny beach, although while writing Feelin’ the Vibe, she did go to a hotel for a few days to focus.

As a new mother, Dow seems both content and happy with her career and in life. The little girl from Baltimore who barely watched T.V. is now a self-proclaimed author who has made a name for herself in the industry.

The only question left to be answered is: so, what’s next?

“My next book is about a high-priced call girl in the Maryland-D.C. area,” she says.

My advice is to stay tuned.


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Ebony L. Morman

Ebony L. Morman

GMO's Senior Editor Ebony L. Morman received her B.A. in journalism from Northern Illinois University and her master’s in journalism from Columbia College Chicago. The Chicago-native enjoys writing about almost anything, but since she also has a passion for music, writing reviews of albums has become one of her favorite past times. Aside from GMO, Ebony freelances for a variety of publications and volunteers in her community.

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